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JOEL Joel's Blog

NYC Design Show at Industry City


NYC Design Show at Industry City 4May 9 - May 20 is NYCxDESIGN, where designers from all over the city exhibit their work at various venues and events around the city. We were invited to join the celebration and contributed an exhibit on saw-making at Industry City / Design. The exhibit is open most days and there lots of events locally to explore. Click here for a full schedule.

We are really proud to have been invited by Wanted Design, the outfit that curated the show at Industry City. Our own exhibit, which explores saw-making was the first time we unbolted any of the specialized equipment we use to make our backsaws. We also showed some prototypes of some new ideas and also the Exploded Dovetail Saw (picture above).

The most interesting part of the show, for me anyway, was how as tool makers we saw our work presented as art. Or at least as objects of design. Most of the time we are too busy thinking about production and function to step back and think in those terms. It was also great to be in the company of some of our design colleagues. We are the only woodworking tool makers in Industry City, but I saw some great modern furniture along with modern lighting, musical instruments, & etc. Check it out. Our shop is open m-f 9:30-5:00, and the show itself is open for another week. We are located about 3 blocks from the exhibition. Click the link above for the schedule for a complete listing and also a listing of all the design events all over NYC.

BTW - The same building houses the Industry City Food Court, which is just finding its legs, but let me tell you the Mini Chocolate Croissants are up there in my book.

If you want to read more about the show take a visit to The Hand & Eye blog, which is one of the top design blogs I know of and well worth your time. I also want to thank John Peabody, who runs The Hand & Eye for letting me use his picture of the Exploded Dovetail Saw.

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05/14/2014 Steven Ward
Looks almost like something Andy Warhol would have put together. :-) Modern Art! Ah, therein lies the rub! That is, the rub of time since it is about art and craft quite old indeed. Just about anything handmade in whole or in part has art in it as well as craft, of course. I would describe your saw making as both traditional and modern, both art and craft.

As to the display: Nice!

That exploded view of your dovetail saw is some serious kind of cool. Can you post some additional pictures of it?

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